Garden 2022: Next Years Plants

This is part 2 of my next year plan. After the last one got so long, I decided to save the plant section for this week. I have several things I am going to try next year. I have a few new plants, I will be trying. In addition, I will be attempting several failures from this past year again. Let dig into the plants for the Garden 2022.

The New Plants of Garden 2022

There are a few new additions that will hopefully fill some niches in my pantry that I am currently getting from outside. So far I have decided to add Long Island Improved Brussels Sprouts, Litchi Tomatoes, Red Long of Tropea Onions and Japanese Wasabi Radishes.

I like Brussels Sprouts but have always bought them. I never knew you could do them this far south so I am giving them a try. The entire cabbage family is always a bit hit or miss because of the heat but I figure this year is the year to try.

The Litchi Tomatoes are something that seemed really interesting. They are tomato’s spiny cousin and apparently have little cherry like fruits. I intend to give this my final berry slot in my garden. If they give me a big crop of cherry like fruits, I will be a happy camper in 2022.

The Red Long of Tropea Onion is one of the mythical intermediate day onions. In theory, they should grow well here. All intermediate day onions are smaller than the long and short day cousins but I am excited to try an onion that is at least expecting my day length.

Honestly, I had not intended to grow the Japanese Wasabi Radish but when someone give you seeds, you plant them. A fiery green radish, that I’m not entirely sure what I will do with it. It is a daikon so I have no idea how big it will get.

With the new crops out of the way, I want to focus on some on the current things that failed.

Just because it failed in Garden 2021, Doesn’t Mean My Plants Will Fail in Garden 2022

My epic fail of my Dragon fruit was kind of a bummer. I swore I would give it another go and so I have.

I place 4 seeds per pot to try to avoid having to untangle them. Ideally, I will get 4 of the 16 plants to grow to adulthood.

They are going to spend the winter being babied and coddled. I am hoping the third time is a charm.

Next, I have my goji berries. My dislike for them is known but I am slowly trying to develop a taste for them. I did the oh so complicated process of starting a new goji berry plant. It was taxing, I tell you what.

Yep, lots of work that one took.

With my plan for my berry beds, I needed another Goji berry plant. As a result, I have a pot with a stick in it.

I have my great Sugar Snap Pea Experiment as I try to acclimate a family of peas to my climate. Hopefully, many generations of peas will make them more resilient and productive in my warm climate.

Then, there are seed potatoes. I am going to try to grow some seed potatoes over the winter indoors. I have no idea if it will work. I’m concerned about pots being too shallow. If they turn green, it is not a big deal. I was just planning on planting them anyway. If that works then I might have a plan for keep potatoes going all year long.

Finally, I will try Jelly Melons again. This time I intend for them to have a trellis to climb and a more intention place to be planted. Hopefully, I will be getting these alien looking fruits growing next year.

The Garden 2022 Plants List

If I get the garden built like I hope, I should go from 162 square feet of garden to 238 square feet. Though 36 will be in the berry patch where the high intensity will be significantly less intense. Let just say 202. I will also have 4 two foot diameter pots that grow my potatoes and as many 3 gallon pots as needed for overflow plants.

Lets look at what I am planning to grow in 2022.


  • Basil
  • Catnip
  • Chocolate Mint
  • Slow Bolt Cilantro
  • Curled Chervil
  • Cumin
  • Marjoram
  • Mint
  • Oregano
  • Rosemary
  • Pineapple Sage
  • Sage
  • Tarragon
  • Texas Tarragon
  • Thai Basil
  • Thyme


  • Sugar Snap Peas
  • Cherokee Black Beans


  • Ruby Queen Beet
  • Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard
  • Ruby Red Chard
  • Bloomsdale Spinach
  • Red Veined Sorrel
  • Strawberry Spinach


  • Wild Arugula
  • American Purple Top Rutabaga
  • Upland Cress
  • Japanese Wasabi Radish
  • French Breakfast Radish
  • Watermelon Radish
  • Black Spanish Radish
  • Crimson Giant Radish
  • Lady Slipper Radish
  • Cherry Belle Radish
  • China Rose Radish
  • White Icicle Radish
  • Long Island Improved Brussels Sprout
  • Suzhou Baby Bok Choy
  • Florida Broad Leaf Mustard Greens
  • Lacinato Kale
  • Early Purple Vienna Kohlrabi
  • Destiny Hybrid Broccoli
  • Early Golden Acre Cabbage


  • Aunt Molly Ground Cherry
  • Tomatillo, Green
  • Tangerine Dream Peppers
  • Corno Di Toro Peppers
  • Anaheim Peppers
  • Habanada Peppers
  • Pimento Peppers
  • Chinese Peppers
  • San Marzano Tomatoes
  • Roma Tomatoes
  • Yellow Pear Tomatoes
  • Blue Cream Tomatoes
  • Aswad Eggplant
  • Beefsteak Tomatoes
  • Litchi Tomato
  • Red Potatoes
  • Purple Potatoes
  • Yukon Gold Potatoes


  • Florence Fennel
  • Rainbow Mix of Carrots
  • Half Long Guernsey Parsnips
  • Utah Tall Celery


  • Egyptian Spinach
  • Louisiana Green Velvet Okra

Squash and Melons

  • Dragon’s Egg Cucumbers
  • Jelly Melon
  • Green Scallop Squash
  • Burpee Pickler Cucumber
  • Connecticut Field Pumpkin
  • Spaghetti Squash
  • Tigger Melons
  • Sugar Baby Watermelons
  • Cucamelons


  • American Flag Leek
  • Red Long of Tropea Onions
  • Sweet White Spanish Onions
  • Red Burgundy Onions


  • Red Romaine Lettuce
  • Slobolt Lettuce
  • Tango Leaf Lettuce


  • Crackerjack Mixed Marigolds
  • Petite Orange Marigolds
  • Jewel Mixed Nasturtiums

Random Plants for Garden 2022

  • Early Golden Bantam Sweet Corn
  • Beauregard Sweet Potatoes
  • Green Purslane
  • Navajo Blackberries
  • Goji Berries
  • Mulberries
  • Seascape Strawberries
  • White Freestone Peaches

Yikes, I did not realize that I had so many crops. I wonder which ones I missed from the list. It is a bit strange but I have eaten most everything on this list this year. Sometime not very much, as things do fail, but most of them have at least given me something. I’m excited for next year but I get to spend the off season, prepping beds and trellises. Anyway, if you find a plant that I messed up its family, let me know down below. I am sure there will be some impulsive changes but this is the plan for my plants for Garden 2022.

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