Category: Uncategorized

  • My Summer Potatoes Experiment

    My Summer Potatoes Experiment

    Normally, the extension office in Oklahoma tells us not to plant any second crop of potatoes. Because of the heat, the yields and quality of the potatoes will be much lower than a late winter, early spring planting. Then this summer happened. I was sitting a noon on an August day when I realized that…

  • Letting Go, A Ripe Old Guide

    Letting Go, A Ripe Old Guide

    I grew a new variety of tomatoes this year in my Martian soil. It is a Blue Cream grape tomato. When I got my first one, I was so excited. Then I bit into it and my world changed. It was a so-so tomato. A great letdown is an understatement. After a couple of weeks,…

  • Experiments in July 2021: A Garden Update

    Experiments in July 2021: A Garden Update

    So my internet connection was all crazy yesterday so I am late with this one post. In my last update, we looked at the Dragon Fruit, Chinese Peppers and the Jelly Melon. We saw them growing and doing ok. Another month has past and lets look at my experiments now that we are at the…

  • The Plague, Boss, the Plague! New Adventures in Plant Disease

    The Plague, Boss, the Plague! New Adventures in Plant Disease

    Let me just say that this year has been amazing for my garden. Everything has been green and fruitful. It is sunshine, rainbows and miniature men in white suits listening me tell them awful jokes in my garden this year. Then I walked through the other day and realized that it was not all fun…

  • Easy Mode Garden

    Easy Mode Garden

    I was collecting produce from my garden. I like this time of year. A bit of trimming for disease and airflow and some weekly watering sessions. But mostly it is just collecting produce from my garden. My garden this time of year is really on easy mode and I do complicated crap in my garden.…

  • Misadventures in the Garden: Tomato Trellis

    Misadventures in the Garden: Tomato Trellis

    In this off season, I started designing an idea for a new trellis. My old system used tomato cages that could turn to panels. This never worked perfectly as my tomatoes would start to outgrow them no matter what I did. Because I expanded my garden, I needed a better tomato trellis solution. The Better…

  • Garden Update, June 2021, Dragon Fruit, Jelly Melons and Chinese Peppers, Oh My!

    Garden Update, June 2021, Dragon Fruit, Jelly Melons and Chinese Peppers, Oh My!

    I have several experiments that I am currently working on in the garden. It has been a couple of months on the oldest so I figured it was time for an update. There is a whole gaggle of updates to to give. We have the Dragon Fruit, Jelly Melon and 10 Year old Chinese Peppers,…

  • Melons from Outer Space! A Jelly Melon Story

    Melons from Outer Space! A Jelly Melon Story

    As part of my experimentation in the garden this year, I found a weird fruit sitting next to the Dragon Fruit at the store. Me being me, I bought it. It was a spiky thing that even the cashier commented on when putting it in the bag. I was about to have my first experience…

  • The Memories of Gardening

    The Memories of Gardening

    Iā€™m late to post this week. Life happens and it happened a week ago. I debated if I should even post about this but what happened is natural. There was not much unnatural about what happened. It does have a tie into my garden so I guess it ties into gardening. All through the talk…

  • Sprouting Old Seed

    Sprouting Old Seed

    While life can be described by the people who flutter in and out of it, they tend to leave a mark before leaving. Some are trivial while others are completely transformative and some are some old seed found in a chipped beef container in a closet. If I am remembering correctly these were seeds saved…